Tuesday, 11 April 2017

05:59 - No comments

Happy Easter everyone!

We are looking forward to celebrating Easter this spring. The students and staff of St. Gerard are gathering in the gym on Thursday for out annual Holy Thursday ceremony. It is a wonderful experience which we can share as we prepare for the resurrection of Jesus.

The grade eight class has begun their novel study of the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a wonderfully adventurous story which I hope we will all enjoy immensely. 

Ask your child to tell you about what they are reading.

We are currently finishing our typing and editing our own Choose Your Own Adventure short stories. They are due on Thursday April 13th. They promise to be very interesting and exciting to read and explore.

In French we are learning about legends and natural phenomena, while picking up skills using past tense. Feel free to ask your child about how the bear lost its tail, or the legend of maple syrup.

We are currently exploring the city states, arts, culture, and contributions of the Ancient Greeks in social studies.

Permission forms for this year's Catholic School Spirit Day will be coming home this week. This year we will be joining other grade 7 and 8 students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish for a day of entertainment and spiritual development. Looking forward to a wonderful day.


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