Tuesday 15 May 2018

06:40 - No comments

May 15th, 2018

The end of the year is approaching, and the grade eight class is about to start preparing for final exams. Finals will take place from June 14th-June 19th 2018.  Students who have earned exemptions will find out their results early in June.

We have just begun studying the Romans in Social studies.

We are almost finished with our latest novel, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

We are also working on a research project in health and are preparing for our annual track and field meet, which takes place on June 11th for grade 7 and 8

Our grade eight farewell will take place on June 25th in the gym. We are holding a short prayer service instead of a full mass this year, we hope it will be a wonderful evening.