Thursday, 23 November 2017

07:52 - No comments
November 23rd, 2017

Our first term is coming to a close. The grade eight class is hard at work writing poetry in ELA, exploring ancient civilizations in social studies, examining different amazing animals in French, and discussing issues with respect, human dignity, and kindness in Religion.

Our next T.U.S.C. meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28th.

Our class will also be participating in the sacrament of reconciliation on November 28th in the church.

Report cards are being completed and will go home with you children on December 7th.

Have a great month, and we look forward to seeing many of you at our Christmas Concert on December 20th.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

06:18 - No comments

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

We hope you all had a chance to sit down with friends and family to enjoy a meal and be thankful for all of the gifts you have received in life.

St Gerard School will be holding our annual Halloween party on Friday October 20th. Make sure you purchase you tickets ahead of time through your child. There will be no school on the 20th as the teachers will be away attending professional development seminars.

Student led conference time is approaching once again. Conferences are being held in the evening of November 2nd, and all day on November 3rd. Please look for notes coming home with your child.

Hoping everyone has a pleasant and productive October.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

07:58 - No comments
Welcome Back to School Everyone!

September has arrived and the staff and students of St. Gerard are getting back to work. I hope everyone had a relaxing and wonderful summer break.
Our annual welcome BBQ is being held on Thursday September 14th, BBQ order forms have gone home with your child.

Our first fundraiser is underway. Some of our students are selling show and save coupon books, to help raise money for our school. Please do your best to sell a book or two. Half of the proceeds from the sale go directly to the school.

The grade 8 class is hoping to start work on the yearbook soon. In order to make it possible we need to pre-sell a least 30 yearbooks by November 1st.

ELA – The grade 8 class has begun the first novel of the year. They are listening to the novel “A long way from Chicago” by Richard Peck and keeping a listening journal.
We have started our spelling and grammar programs. Students should be coming home with a bit of work in these subjects.

Social Studies – We have begun the year with a mini unit about developing Worldviews.

French – Our first unit deals with fast food and ordering in restaurants.

Let’s all work to make this year a wonderful experience for all of us at St. Gerard School.

Thursday, 1 June 2017

10:28 - No comments

June has arrived!

As we approach the end of the school year, the grade eight class is beginning to prepare for their final exams. Exams are being written starting June 15th and finishing June 20th. Those students who have earned exemptions from their exams will find out by Wednesday, June 7th at the latest. Exam review outlines should be coming home with students by Monday, June 5th. I hope everyone is prepared to study hard in preparation for finals.

Our grade eight farewell is being celebrated on Monday, June 26th. Mass will begin at 7:00 pm with a short, informal awards ceremony to follow in the school gym. 

Track and field is being held on June, 12th at the U of M.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

05:59 - No comments

Happy Easter everyone!

We are looking forward to celebrating Easter this spring. The students and staff of St. Gerard are gathering in the gym on Thursday for out annual Holy Thursday ceremony. It is a wonderful experience which we can share as we prepare for the resurrection of Jesus.

The grade eight class has begun their novel study of the Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a wonderfully adventurous story which I hope we will all enjoy immensely. 

Ask your child to tell you about what they are reading.

We are currently finishing our typing and editing our own Choose Your Own Adventure short stories. They are due on Thursday April 13th. They promise to be very interesting and exciting to read and explore.

In French we are learning about legends and natural phenomena, while picking up skills using past tense. Feel free to ask your child about how the bear lost its tail, or the legend of maple syrup.

We are currently exploring the city states, arts, culture, and contributions of the Ancient Greeks in social studies.

Permission forms for this year's Catholic School Spirit Day will be coming home this week. This year we will be joining other grade 7 and 8 students at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish for a day of entertainment and spiritual development. Looking forward to a wonderful day.