February is
here, and that means it is “I Love to Read Month.” Throughout the month, we
will have a ton of fun and educational activities to support student reading
and literacy. Students are encouraged to do some extra reading this month.
Please help us by reading with your child at home.
We are also
going to be celebrating Catholic Schools Week this month. We will have fun
activities and events to bring attention to and support the wonders of Catholic
education. Catholic Schools Week runs from February 12th to the 16th.
February 12th: Number Day with Bingo and prizes, together in the
Tuesday, February
13th: Wear Purple, Green, or Gold for Mardi Gras Mask Day.
February 14th: Wear Red, Pink, or White for Valentine’s Day.
February 15th: Cultural Day and Family Lunch and a cultural dance
party at the end of the day.
There will be no School for the students on February 16th.