Thursday, 15 October 2020

07:51 - No comments

                                             Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

October is here and the grade 8 class is busy working on a variety of things:

We are keeping a listening journal for the novel "A Company of Fools" by Deborah Ellis. It is the story of some choirboys, living in a French monastery, during the 14th century, while the black plague ravages the outside world. 

We are conducting small investigations in French class in our second unit "Chasse aux Indices"

We are also exploring the world of our ancient human ancestors, and the development of farming in social studies.

A reminder that picture day is coming up on October 20th. There will only be individual pictures taken this year, as we are unable to gather together for our usual class photo. 

Thursday, 17 September 2020

07:15 - No comments


Welcome back everyone! It has been a while since we were able to be together in class, we missed you all and are so happy that we are able to learn together in the classroom again. 

With the cooperation of all of our students, staff, and families, we will have a safe, happy, and productive school year.

Friday, 7 February 2020

10:30 - No comments

February is here.  The grade eight class has finished exams and have begun some new units of study.

We are currently reading a novel together. We are reading Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick. It is a heartwarming story of friendship, belonging, and adventure. The class will be completing a series of novel study activities related to the story.

We have also begun a unit about Ancient Egypt in social studies. Students will be learning about all sorts of aspects of life in Pharaonic Egypt.

The grade seven and eight students will be going to Winkler Bible Camp from the 19th to the 21st of February. We will get to participate in several days of team building and excitement while enjoying a variety of outdoor winter activities.

Report cards will also be going home on March 5th, make sure to ask your child about their progress.  

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

05:59 - No comments
January 14th, 2020

Welcome back from Christmas holidays, and a very Happy New Year to everyone.

The grade eight class is busy preparing for their mid-term exams this month. Mid-terms begin on Tuesday, January 21st. Tuesday, the grade eights write their ELA exam, followed by science on Wednesday, history is Thursday, and they finish up their week writing their math exam on Friday.

I hope everyone is doing their best to prepare for exams. Good luck to all.

Winter camp is fast approaching. The sevens and eights will be traveling to Winkler Bible Camp on the 19th of February for  few days of fun and friendship. I hope everyone will attend, it promises to be a truly exciting adventure.