Tuesday, 12 November 2019

12:27 - No comments
It is well into November. We have returned from a long weekend where we had the opportunity to show our support for all veterans and members of our Canadian Armed Services. I hope everyone had a relaxing and solemn weekend.

We have recently finished our novel "Silverwing" by Kenneth Opel. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the story.

Report cards are arriving soon. Teachers are busy getting work marked and recorded, in order to send those reports home on December 5th.

November 29th is an in-service day for teachers, that Friday students will get to stay home while their teachers go to school for the day.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

07:12 - No comments

It is September again, and we are back at school ready for some fun and hard work. I hope every one had a great summer break and is rested and rejuvenated for the 2019-2020 school year.

The grade 8 class is getting settled into routines again. We do our spelling every Monday, with a pretest followed by the work assignment, which is always due Thursday. We are also beginning the year with a Novel, the class is listening to and responding in a personal journal to the book "Silverwing" by Kenneth Oppel. We will soon start our T.U.S.C. program. Students will research and present a short presentation on a variety of topics.

We are exploring the concept of Worldview in social studies, and have begun a unit in French about fast food and food choices.

Welcome Back Everyone! 

Monday, 13 May 2019

06:20 - No comments
May has arrived, and the grade eight class is working to make the end of the year successful and productive. With the arrival of spring we are able to get outside more and enjoy some sunshine and fresh air.

The grade eights are busy preparing for track and field in gym.

We are currently studying the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire in social studies, making Roman shields and exploring the the history of this epic period in time.

We are also about half way through the Hobbit, a great fantasy novel by the legendary J.R.R. Tolkien. The class is enjoying the adventure while completing a variety of activities to extend their understanding of the story.

We are about to begin our final unit in French, studying transportation and the movement of people.

Monday, 11 March 2019

07:51 - No comments

Report cards went home with your child on March 7th. Parent/Teacher conferences are being scheduled this week, and conferences will be held on Thursday, March 14th, in the evening, and Friday March 15th during the day.

The grade eight class is currently reading the novel “Freak the Mighty” by Rodman Philbrick. They have a series of novel study activities to complete, due April 1st.

The Yearbook committee, made up of grade eight students, will be meeting twice a month until the end of the year in order to complete our 2018-2019 St. Gerard School Yearbook. Thanks to students for their help, and to parents for their rides and endless patience.

Spring Break is quickly approaching. Students and teachers will get some time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate before returning to school for the last few months. The last day of school before the break is March 22nd.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

12:19 - No comments

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break, and is relaxed and energized to get back into the classroom.

The grade 7 and 8 classes are busy preparing for their mid-term exams which begin on Tuesday, January 22nd and run through to the 25th. Exam permission forms have gone home and need to be returned by Wednesday, January 16th, if your child wishes to study at home after each exam.

Grade 8 Mid-Term Exam Schedule
Tuesday, January 22nd: Grade 8 ELA mid-term
Wednesday, January 23rd: Grade 8 science mid-term
Thursday, January 24th: Grade 8 history mid-term
Friday, January 25th: Grade 8 math mid-term exam