Wednesday, 10 October 2018

06:44 - No comments

October, 2018

It is October and school is back into full swing. The grade eight class is busy learning and studying.

We have begun our investigations into our early human ancestors in social studies. We will be examining the way of life of our earliest human ancestors, while we learn about the factors and events which led to the development of agriculture and civilization.

We are about to begin our weekly T.U.S.C. presentations in ELA.  Feel free to ask you child about what they are researching and presenting each week. We are almost finished our first novel. Students are listening and keeping a journal with images and written response to each chapter. The class seems to be enjoying the novel, Silverwing by Kenneth Opel.

We are conducting some investigations while learning some new vocab and verb conjugation in French with our second unit “Chasse aux Indices.”

Our annual Halloween party is coming up on October, 19th. Tickets must be purchased in advance, and each student must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

A Reminder to everyone, we need to sell 30 copies of the yearbook before the second week of December. Without enough yearbooks ordered in advance we will unfortunately be unable to create a yearbook again this year.

Friday, 7 September 2018

08:38 - No comments

Welcome back to school

September is in full swing and the grade 8 class is getting back to work after a nice, long summer of fun and relaxation.

The grade 8 class is currently working on the novel Silverwing by Kenneth Opel in ELA. They are listening to the book and keeping a listening response journal. We will also be starting are T.U.S.C. program in the next few weeks. In T.U.S.C. the students prepare and present weekly presentations on a variety of topics. This should be a fun and exciting learning experience.

In French we are starting our year with a unit about fast food. Students will learn about food choices as well as ordering and serving food in the context of fast food restaurants.

We are exploring the development of Worldviews in Social studies.

St. Gerard School’s annual Meet the Teacher BBQ is taking place the evening of Thursday, September 13th; all families of St. Gerard students are welcome.

Our hot lunch program will begin on September 24th.  Hot Lunch tickets can be bought in advance from the office.

A reminder to all families and students, we are hoping to sell 30 yearbooks before the end of November. Without those 30 orders, we will be unable to produce a yearbook this year, so if you are planning to buy a yearbook please get those orders in by the end of November. An order form will be found in our October newsletter, or can be picked up from the office.

Here’s to another wonderful school year at St. Gerard School.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

06:40 - No comments

May 15th, 2018

The end of the year is approaching, and the grade eight class is about to start preparing for final exams. Finals will take place from June 14th-June 19th 2018.  Students who have earned exemptions will find out their results early in June.

We have just begun studying the Romans in Social studies.

We are almost finished with our latest novel, The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

We are also working on a research project in health and are preparing for our annual track and field meet, which takes place on June 11th for grade 7 and 8

Our grade eight farewell will take place on June 25th in the gym. We are holding a short prayer service instead of a full mass this year, we hope it will be a wonderful evening.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

08:26 - No comments

Welcome back everyone,

We hope you all had a nice, restful, and relaxing Christmas break and a happy New Year.  We are back in class and in the swing of things again.

The grade seven and eight students are busy preparing for their exams which begin next Tuesday, January 23rd.

The grade eight class has been invited to visit St. Boniface Diocesan High School on January 31st. Permission slips have gone home and are due back on Wednesday, January 24th. I should be a fun and informative visit.

Seven and eight winter camp is fast approaching. We are going to be away at camp from February 28th to March 2nd. We are still looking for a female volunteer to help us chaperone the trip. If you are a mom of a seven or eight student and would like to come on our trip please contact the school office or Mr. DeJonkheere or Mr. Moore.