Wednesday, 15 January 2025

05:59 - No comments


Hello everyone! 

The grade eight class is preparing for their mid-term exams from January 21st to the 24th. They will write ELA Tuesday, followed by science on Wednesday, history on Thursday, and they will finish up with Math on Friday.

Winter Camp is fast approaching. The Grade seven and eight classes will travel to Winkler on Wednesday February 19th and return to school on Friday the 21st. We are looking for a mom and a dad to volunteer to join us for fun and adventure.

We have just begun our new novel in ELA. We are reading “Freak the Mighty” by Rodman Philbrick. Students will complete a novel study called “SKOOB,” which includes various activities to extend their understanding of the story.

We are also about to begin a unit about Ancient Greece in social studies.

Friday, 13 September 2024

06:19 - No comments


Welcome Back to St. Gerard School

The new school year has begun and the grade 8 class is getting back to work. I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing summer break.

We have some changes to the school this year. The gym floor was replaced over the summer. We have a new floor, upon which to play and get exercise. The library was repainted and new flooring was installed, giving us a bright and open space to do schoolwork or to read quietly.

The grade 8 class is working on a mini-unit about worldviews in social studies and has begun keeping a listening journal for the novel “Holes” by Louis Sachar. In French, we are building our language skills by participating in a unit about Fast Food.

I hope everyone is energized and excited to begin a new school year.

Thursday, 1 February 2024

06:06 - No comments

February is here, and that means it is “I Love to Read Month.” Throughout the month, we will have a ton of fun and educational activities to support student reading and literacy. Students are encouraged to do some extra reading this month. Please help us by reading with your child at home.

We are also going to be celebrating Catholic Schools Week this month. We will have fun activities and events to bring attention to and support the wonders of Catholic education. Catholic Schools Week runs from February 12th to the 16th.

Monday, February 12th: Number Day with Bingo and prizes, together in the gym.

Tuesday, February 13th: Wear Purple, Green, or Gold for Mardi Gras Mask Day.

Wednesday, February 14th: Wear Red, Pink, or White for Valentine’s Day.

Thursday, February 15th: Cultural Day and Family Lunch and a cultural dance party at the end of the day.

There will be no School for the students on February 16th

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

06:14 - No comments


Happy New Year!

Welcome back to school, everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and are ready to get back to learning.

Big news for January, exams for grade 7 and 8 students are approaching fast. Exams will begin on Tuesday, January 23rd and will run until Friday the 26th. Everyone has received an exam outline and should have started to prepare.

Our Novel study on “Freak the Mighty” will also be coming due on February 1st.

It will be an early dismissal on Tuesday, January 16th, I hope everyone will have rides arranged.

Thursday, 14 December 2023

05:48 - No comments


December has arrived. We are currently working hard to prepare for our annual Christmas concert. We hope to see our St. Gerard family members at the concert on December 19th.

The grade 8 class has begun a novel study. We are reading “Freak the Mighty” by Rodman Philbrick. They will be completing a book report project Due on January 12th.

Exams are approaching in January. They will take place between January 23rd and the 26th. A review outline will be sent home before Christmas and will be available here on the Blog.

We hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, 17 October 2023

06:15 - No comments


We are quickly moving through October, which means our annual Halloween dance party is approaching. We will be holding our festivities on Friday, October 20th from 7:00 to 10:00 in the evening. Tickets are available from the office, and all of our families are welcome. We just ask that students attend the event along with a parent or guardian.


Student-led conference forms have gone home. Conferences will be taking place on November 2nd in the evening and all day on the 3rd. Please indicate your preferred appointment time so that we can schedule your meeting at a convenient time for you.

Friday, 15 September 2023

06:40 - No comments


Welcome Back to St. Gerard School

September is here, and we are all back in class ready to learn together. Thank you to all the families who joined us at our Meet the Teacher BBQ.

A reminder that picture day is coming up next week. So make sure your children are wearing their best smiles on Tuesday, September 19th.

Orange Shirt Day, in honour of truth and reconciliation, will be taking place on September 29th, so be sure to wear orange.